ARTsy Switchboxes! Call for ART

Call for ART! HILLTOP Switchboxes 

The Artsy Switch Box Project represents the creative vibrancy and artsy spirit of Madison, Indiana. The project has transformed plain electrical switch boxes into public pieces of art, throughout downtown Madison’s Arts & Cultural District, and on Madison’s Hilltop area and Hanover. The “slip covered” boxes are locally fabricated with area artist’s work, turning gray background urban utilities into conversational pieces that celebrate the historical and cultural wealth of our city. These artsy switch boxes increase the beauty, fun, and visitation to our public spaces. 

To learn more about this Call for Art, visit:

Outline of the Project:

Artwork is needed to wrap switch boxes at all locations on Madison’s Hilltop; one in Hanover, and one in Madison’s Arts and Cultural District--Fabrication and installation will be in early 2025;   

Desired themes for the switch boxes are broad—and should be of public interests, colorful, and eye catching;  

Proposed design can be from illustrations, paintings, abstracts, digital, and high res of 3 D work; 

Creativity is encouraged!

—-Artist must live within 45 miles of Madison, Indiana;

—-All ages are encouraged to participate;

—-Art work must be positive, original, and creative;  

—-All “slip covers” will be fabricated from artist’s photograph; 

—-Any adjustments made to artwork will require the approval from the artist;

—-Artists may submit up to three (3) separate images; all three images may be selected;

—-It is required that art work NOT be more than 50% black or dark colors they may overheat the switch box;

—-Application must be mailed to P.O. Box 322, Madison IN 47250 or dropped off at the SPOT 326 Mulberry Street by August 15, 2024;    

—-All applications must include: complete contact information, artist statement, one 8 x 10 color copy of proposed art work—this can be a copy or a photograph;

—-If artwork is selected, you will be asked to provide a high resolution image of the selected artwork or you will need to provide original artwork to be photographed; 

Selection Process:

—-Madison Area Arts Alliance Public Arts/Spaces Team will review all applications for consideration;   

—-Artwork will be selected on readability, configuration, content, and appeal;   

—-Selected artists will be contacted by phone and will be given further instructions;

—-Artist will be recognized for their contribution at a Madison Area Arts Alliance Reception;   

—-Artist’s name, contact info, and sponsor will be on an official title block located on the Switch Box  


Artists Chosen for Artsy Switch Boxes!


ARTsy Camp!